How To Setup/Tune Far Driver Controller | Auto Learn App Usage, & Basic Tuning

How To Setup/Tune Far Driver Controller | Auto Learn App Usage, & Basic Tuning

So you have a FAR DRIVER Style controller all wired up and ready to go, but need help with using the app and setting your parameters?  I know it may seem like a daunting task, but we are here to help!  Take a moment to read through our Far Driver Controller Setup Guide!
How To Wire Up FarDriver Style Controller | Razor, Burromax, and MORE! Reading How To Setup/Tune Far Driver Controller | Auto Learn App Usage, & Basic Tuning 5 minutes Next Is the Surron Light Bee X Worth It or Nahh?


So you have a FAR DRIVER Style controller all wired up and ready to go, but need help with using the app and setting your parameters?  I know it may seem like a daunting task, but we are here to help!  Take a moment to read through our Far Driver Controller Setup Guide!


Once the controller is all hooked up and you power on the bike, you should hear a continuous BEEP, BEEP, BEEEEEP (2 short beeps, 1 long beep).  This is an indication that the controller is in “Auto Learn”.  If the controller is not beeping, I suggest you go into the app and click on the auto learn to get the controller into an auto learn status before attempting to ride the bike. (skip down for directions on how to get here if your controller is not already beeping).




  1. Make sure the chain is NOT hooked up to the sprocket, ensure the motor is in a safe location where you can run it without causing damage to yourself or your surroundings.
  2. Now give it a full throttle and hold it at full throttle until you hear a single beep


The motor will spin forward and  backwards multiple times at varying speeds, when it comes to a stop, the motor will BEEP, indicating that the self learning cycle is complete. 

You can now fine tune your settings if desired as you only now have a “base tune”, or ride the bike as-is**

**It is recommended that you go into the app and confirm that the controller is configured for your battery voltage and AMP output. 



If your controller is not beeping the first time you plug it in, you must use the app to enable auto learn.  The Far Driver app is accessible for both android and apple users.  For apple users, simply search "Far Driver" and download the app from the apple app store, but android users will have to download the file manually from the Far Driver website.

The bike needs to be powered on in order to be connected to the app.  You will also need to connect your bluetooth dongle to the controller harness unless your controller has built in bluetooth.  Open the app then follow the instructions below; 

  1. Go to “Comm” on the bottom right corner of the screen

2. Click “Scan” in the top left corner, this will look for your controller to connect to

3. Select your controller, it should look something like the one here.

4. Press the “Connect” button on the upper right side

5. Press the “Connected, Wait Bound..” button

6. Select “Bound”

7. Go to “Graph” on the bottom

8. Select “AutoLearn” on the bottom. The controller should now begin to make the beeping sequence, and you can do an auto learn cycle. Refer to the first page of this document for instructions on how to perform the auto learn process


This guide will show you how to enter the correct voltage and amp settings for your battery, along with a few other crucial items for a good running system. This is NOT a custom tuning guide. 


  1. Select “Paras” from the bottom left corner of the app.

2. Click on “Rated Voltage”

3. Select the voltage of your battery from the drop down menu

4. Confirm your motor direction is correct.  Green is the clockwise for passenger side chain drive  (Razor fitment).  Not green (unselected) is counter clock wise for passenger side chain.  Then finally Click “Save” at the bottom of the screen

5. Now select “Open Pro NBLE”

6. Here you can click on the numbers and change them, BE VERY CAREFUL HERE. MaxLineCurr is the max continuous discharge rating, this information will be on your battery.  You can set BoostLineCurr to the same number.  MaxPhaseCurr should be no more than 2-3x your MaxLineCurr. BoostPhaseCurr can also be set to match your MaxPhaseCurr. Contact your battery manufacturer for more specific details.

7. The items in the BLUE box, Temp Sensor and PolePairs are dictated by your motor model.  The temp sensor "CAN" be turned off, but if your motor has a 6 wire hall sensor, you have a temp sensor and should use it.  Again, the data for these parameters will vary depending on your motor. For an example: the FW11 would use temp sensor 6-NTC10K from the drop down menu, and 5 pole pairs. 

8. Check your limit speed.  This dictates max RPM of the motor.  Just because you set it at 10,000 does not mean it will spin up to 10,000 RPMs, it means that it will limit it to 10,000 RPM and not spin any faster. 


9. Press “Save” at the bottom right, the controller will BEEP to indicate that your changes have been made. 


Now you have learned how to made basic changes to your controller and should have a very ridable setup.  If you are looking to maximize your tuning parameters, reach out to someone who specializes in Far Drive tuning.  


If you would like to skip this, Momentum Watts does offer pre-tuned controller kits for Razor MX500, Razor MX650, Razor SX500, Razor RSF650 and any other platforms you would like to add an electric drive train to!